Thursday, August 20, 2009


I've listened to a few podcasts over the last couple of years but they have never really been on my radar. It was quite interesting to attend the training session and find out a bit more about their background. Personally, I prefer to read something as I can do it more quickly and skim if I need to. Listening to entire lectures etc. via podcast is time consuming although of value if the lecture is entertaining in its own right.

Regarding RSS feeds, again, haven't paid much attention to them. Some of this technology simply doesn't apply to any great degree in my work area. And again, I'm happy to skim the daily papers online and regularly check out the blogs etc. of people or subjects which interest me. I'll look into this more. It is difficult to keep up when your day to day work doesn't depend on this technology. However, I learnt how to subscribe to them so I may start to see more possiblities.

I agree purple is the new black. And vice-versa. I fear my fondness for both colours may lead to my not so secret identity becoming public. That and my fondness for stitching.

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